Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Literally a Gladiator

I have a very variable taste when it’s about movies. Watching movies is one of the things that I really, really like and that is the reason I have watched a lot of films.

One of my favorites movies is Gladiator from 2000 and directed by Ridley Scott. It mixes a lot of action, betrayal, vengeance and redemption and that’s why I like it.

The film it’s about the story of the roman general Maximo Decimo Meridio (Russell Crowe) and how he losses everything because of the ambition of the emperors son.

Maximo was a good friend of the emperor Marco Aurelio; in fact he loved him like a son and was proud of him. The emperor’s son was very jealous about this relationship and betrayed his father by killing him and taking control of the Roman Empire, in the process he took everything from Maximo (his wife, son and liberty) and tried to kill him. Maximo escaped from the death, but he was disoriented because of the loss of his family and ended as a slave in Africa. Somehow he managed to get bought by a gladiator trainer, a lot of things happen to him in his training; he got the experience, skill and focus to keep alive.
He got famous in the arena for his kills and finally got a chance to take vengeance and expose to the people of Rome the kind of man that was their traitor emperor.

Finally he completed his focus, dying in the process, and being reunited with his loved family.

I liked this film for the storyline and for the way the actors developed their characters. The soundtrack of the movie was very good too, I loved the way it was mixed with the scenes, it was like you were in the coliseum.

The movie was so good that it won five Oscar prizes including best movie and best actor (Russell Crowe) and best sound.

One of the things that this movie taught me was no matter what it takes; somehow you will always manage to be with your loved ones.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Music Time

I think my music likes depends on the situation I’m having in my life, so i don’t really have a favorite band or kind of music, but one band I‘ve really liked among the time is Maroon 5. I think their music is adaptable for almost every situation, if you are sad or if you want a cheerful song you can listen to them.
I really like their songs, but if I had to choose one it would be “Moves like Jagger”, a song that they play with Cristina Aguilera. I think it’s a very good and cheerful song and the music mix with the lyrics very well creating a really moved one.

In a few weeks they’re going to release a new album, I hope it would be as good as the old ones. They’re releasing new singles too, like the song “Payphone” that is really moved and good too.
In July 31st they are coming again to perform a concert in Santiago. I’m very excited about that because it will be the first Maroon 5 concert that I’m going. I hope it will be as good as their music.