Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Different Ways to Laugh

Today I’m going to show you two interesting and different videos.

The first video it’s from Jackass the T.V series and it’s basically one of the best pranks that I have ever enjoyed. The prank it’s about a terrorist guy that believes that he is doing the prank to a taxi driver, but what the terrorist don’t know is that the prank it’s really for him.

It’s hilarious when you see the prank going after him and how the expressions on his face changes when he realizes that is in danger ( a fake danger off course).

Personally I think that these guys are awesome, their pranks are in the border of stupidity and when you laugh about the situations or the pain that they suffer you don’t feel guilty because they enjoy doing their jobs.

The second video it’s a parody of a Katie Perry song done by a girl that changes the lyrics becoming one of the newest memes on the internet the “overly attached girlfriend”.

The lyrics are changed in a way that you think that she is a psycho girlfriend that will be always with you, I every second of your life, in every breath you take and will be in every situation of your life like going to the bathroom or doing a test, and off course she will be jealous off everything, and just looking her psycho eyes you don’t want to get her mad…

These two videos show us that there are different ways to make you laugh and that’s why I like them.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

London Web Quest

Last week we did a different type of activity, a web quest; the general idea was to organize a travel to London with all our classmates and to make an activity calendar for all the week.
I think this was a very interesting idea, because you could travel to London via web and discover places to visit that you could really visit some time in your life.
Personally it was a really good discovering because I didn’t knew that London had to many amazing places, the typical place that you want to visit is Stonehenge but now I know that it’s a lot  of museums and amazing buildings to visit there, in fact now London is one of my travel objectives in my life.
In my opinion the best part of the activity was to choose places to go, with this I really changed my opinion about London, I thought that it was a boring place.
The boring and frustrating part of the activity was to search for the prices of the travel points, boring because it was a really tedious and frustrating because some places were really expensive like Stonehenge.
It is really interesting to do a web quest before you go anywhere but in my opinion it’s effectively is very questionable; you don’t really know a place until you see it with your eyes.